Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Good Friday

Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since my last post. So many fun, exciting things happen everyday around here and I'm sad when I think about all the things I haven't blogged. This one is too good to forget. Last Friday was Good Friday. I love going to church on Good Friday and spending time reflecting on Jesus' last hours and His amazing sacrifice for my sins. I am so unworthy but yet He chose me before He formed the earth and I am eternally grateful for His grace, love and mercy.

There was only childcare for babies through age four so we knew Tyler would come to service with us. Ryan also wanted to come to service and he was such a delight to watch. He read the words on the screen so he could sing the songs with us. When it was time for communion, Pastor Sandy explained what is required to take communion. Ryan knows Jesus is God's Son and He died for our sins. Ryan was ready. To make it even more special, we were served communion by our sweet friends Jen and Ryan Dyck. It was so awesome to see them kneel down to serve the boys and explain the bread was Jesus' body broken for us and the "wine" was Jesus blood shed for us. Rob led us back to our seats and we all prayed together.

It was just a few months ago that Tyler took his first communion. At the service on the Sunday after Christmas there were no Sunday school classes so Tyler came to service with us. As Pastor Sandy talked about communion and explained it is for all who believe that Jesus is God's Son and that He died for our sins and through His sacrifice is the only way to be forgiven, I saw Tyler nodding his head as if to say "yes" to all. We passed Tyler the bread and cup and we waited for a prayer from Sandy, then all took communion together. My mom got to be there too. How awesome!