Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ryan turns 5

This year Ryan's birthday fell on a Saturday which means his real birthday and his birthday party were on the same day. We had a swimming party with a beach theme. I had so much fun working on the details and decorations (my new hobby) and the kids had a great time swimming and playing. They had such a great time that I didn't want to interrupt them with a game I had planned.
His guests included his cool, big cousins Josh and Jenna, friends Billy, Abi & Emily, Graham, Andrew, Audrey & Harrison, Savannah & Shelby and of course his grandma. All Ryan's friends are the kids of our friends so their parents stayed to celebrate too.
Birthday season at the Levin home is over. is like a whirlwind of excitement and non-stop celebrations for a couple months around here. What's next? My favorite time of year - fall!
As I write this the Cardinals are on the tv, the boys are playing their own game of football in the family room, chicken tacos are cooking in the crockpot and a cinnamon coffee cake is baking in the over. Oh if only the whole year could be like these next three months.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stepping Stones

Yesterday was Ryan's first day of Pre-K at a new school. His old preschool Fellowship closed so we needed to find a new school and I couldn't be happier about our decision. I absolutely LOVE this school! For his long awaited first day (his school didn't start until 3 1/2 weeks after most other schools) we celebrated with donuts after dropping off the big kids.
One of the things I love about this school is that I get to aide in classrooms once a week. I signed up to aide in several different classrooms this month, prior to finding out Ryan's new teachers. As it turns out I got to aide in his morning class! So fun! Mrs. Dunham was so nice and taught me a lot about my responsibilities as an aide. Ryan was so happy to have me in his class. I got to help with the art project, snacks, push Ryan and his new friends on the tire swing and help with a craft. I even got to sit next to my little man for snack - applesauce and graham crackers.
Even little Ebo got to go to "school". When I aide, he goes into the playroom. He was hesitant and cried at drop off but after a few minutes he was having a blast. When I picked him the the teacher said "he was a delight to have in class today. He is really comfortable with himself, he has very good verbal skills and we were surprised when he actually strung some Fruit Loops on yarn to make a necklace". That's my little E! :) She then explained after Ethan strung his Fruit Loops, he ate them...all. Oh to be two.
Ryan has Mrs. McMurray in the afternoon. She's so sweet and fun. Ryan informed me that his class has a pet guinea pig and he even got to hold and pet it. He said "you pet it like you pet a dog mom". Mrs. McMurray showed the kids how to hold him and even had them practice with a stuffed animal first. His name is still being decided.
Lastly my little Ryman made it across the monkey bars! First time ever. At morning recess I saw him make it to a couple bars before falling which was a complete surprise because I didn't know he could do the monkey bars at all. He was so determined. He kept trying again and again and eventually it paid off. What a great first day for all!