Saturday, December 11, 2010
Little Man is Walking!
He took his first steps a few weeks ago and now he's really getting the hang of it. He loves walking around the house and does it quite well. The boys like to count his steps and keep track of how high he can go before he falls. You can tell he's really proud of himself and we love cheering him on as he cruises. Way to go E!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thanksgiving in Our New Home
After three weeks in our new home we hosted Thanksgiving. It was so fun! The extra space was wonderful and it didn't feel crowded a bit...even with 25 people. The boys loved having their cousins over to play and it was great to have so many kids around this year. Mike, Desiree and their five little ones plus Desiree's niece joined us this year as did Lou and his caregiver Dora and her husband Jim, my mom, aunt Judy, grandma, Chad, Liz, Emma, Cara, Aiden and our good friend Doug. Now we're looking forward to hosting Christmas Eve!
The Christmas Play
Today was Fellowship Preschool's annual Christmas play. It is so cute to see all those preschoolers singing (or standing around while the music plays) and saying their lines for their proud parents. As usual watching Ryan on stage was an absolute delight! I told my mom he was beyond adorable. I got there just in time to see him head toward the stage. I called his name and gave him a quick knuckles as he walked by. When it was his turn he slowly walked over to the large number five and picked it up. The kids holding numbers one through four held their numbers high above their heads but this number five was really big for Ryan. He decided to hold it in front of him instead. Then he figured he could just peek his eyes through the curved part of the 5 while saying his lines...totally funny and totally Ryan. Everyone got a kick out of it and I think Ryan got a kick out of the laughter. Later when it was his turn to come back on stage with a maraca he was rocking out and having a great time. What a precious little ham.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hoops Levin
Today was Ryan's first basketball game at CCV. He did awesome! It was adorable to watch him run up and down the court at full speed then slide when he got to the basket. Kind of like basketball meets baseball. Even though the basket is lower, it's still surprisingly high for little ones. Luckily Tyler got a portable backboard for his birthday so the boys can practice at home. Ryan loves that daddy is one of his coaches - yea dad! I have a feeling daddy's going to be very busy with three little boys playing sports. Ethan watched from the sidelines with Tyler, grandma and I and cheering the Sun Sharks on to victory (or so we think). We celebrated Ryan's first game with a Reese's and M&M Blizzard. Go Ry!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Old MacDonald's Pumpkin Patch
Today all three boys and I went to Old MacDonald's Pumpkin Patch with Ryan's class for a field trip. We had a great time picking pumpkins, taking a hay ride and having a picnic in the shade. Most of all I think the boys loved running through the hay maze. When they got stuck they just stepped over the "wall" to get where they wanted.
One of Ryan's best pals Luke was there with his mom and younger brother and the boys played together all morning. Ethan loved his first hay ride! I couldn't tell if he loved the motion of the ride or seeing the horses pull us. He babbled with delight as we rode through the desert in the blazing sun. When it came time to pick pumpkins, the boys found a small one perfect for little E. He was so happy to hold it and play with it. Probably because it resembled a ball. He made it clear he did not want to part with his little pumpkin when I set it down. What a fun day with my boys!
One of Ryan's best pals Luke was there with his mom and younger brother and the boys played together all morning. Ethan loved his first hay ride! I couldn't tell if he loved the motion of the ride or seeing the horses pull us. He babbled with delight as we rode through the desert in the blazing sun. When it came time to pick pumpkins, the boys found a small one perfect for little E. He was so happy to hold it and play with it. Probably because it resembled a ball. He made it clear he did not want to part with his little pumpkin when I set it down. What a fun day with my boys!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Football Season has Begun!
Yesterday was Tyler's first football practice. He...or should I say we...were all so excited. At the last minute his practice day & time got changed so went straight to practice after I picked him up from school. The first thing Tyler asked after he got in the van was, "is it time for football practice?". On the drive there he asked "if I'm the quarterback will they have gloves for me to wear?" and "will I get my uniform today?". Tyler was so fired up he gave 100% and had a big smile on his face the whole time.
Rob left work early and mom joined us too so we could all watch his practice. Coach Chris seems to be a great coach with 7+ years experience coaching and 5 kids of his own. His wife Leah is very involved and enthusiastic too. All the boys on the team, with the exception of one, seemed to be totally fired up to play ball!
Rob left work early and mom joined us too so we could all watch his practice. Coach Chris seems to be a great coach with 7+ years experience coaching and 5 kids of his own. His wife Leah is very involved and enthusiastic too. All the boys on the team, with the exception of one, seemed to be totally fired up to play ball!
Friday, September 10, 2010
We Carpool
This week Tyler started riding to school with Elena and her dad Weining. We've been taking Elena home from school for a few weeks now but I was finally (almost) ready to have Tyler carpool now. Sunday I talked to Irene about having Tyler start carpooling but then talked to Rob about it and decided I didn't think Tyler was ready. Rob listened and then said "Laura, I don't think you're ready". Yes, that was exactly it. I am so afraid something will happen to him that it's hard to let go sometimes. I know it's not realistic for me to think that he'll never travel in someone else's car or be in someone else's care but it's just so hard to trust that he'll be safe and okay.
I had a chat with Tyler about carpooling with Elena's dad Monday morning over breakfast. He was faking crying and saying that he didn't want to go because he was scared. He couldn't really say why he was scared, just that he'd never been in anyone else's car before besides grandma's. I explained that I could continue to take him to school for a while longer but at some point he would have to carpool. When I told him it was just part of getting older and that eventually he'd have to carpool with his friends to and from games, he became more relaxed. Immediately he told me he was ready to carpool. I asked if he meant later in the week and he said "no, today". After praying over him for protection and safety, we waited outside for Weining. Tyler was ready to go, no tears, no clinging. As he drove away, I felt nervous but at the same time a huge relief that we didn't have to load all three boys up and rush off to school. Ryan and I still had a whole hour before we had to leave to take him to preschool. I'm still amazed at how freeing it is to carpool. The drive to and from Valley Academy everyday was wearing me out. Now, it's not bad at all.
I had a chat with Tyler about carpooling with Elena's dad Monday morning over breakfast. He was faking crying and saying that he didn't want to go because he was scared. He couldn't really say why he was scared, just that he'd never been in anyone else's car before besides grandma's. I explained that I could continue to take him to school for a while longer but at some point he would have to carpool. When I told him it was just part of getting older and that eventually he'd have to carpool with his friends to and from games, he became more relaxed. Immediately he told me he was ready to carpool. I asked if he meant later in the week and he said "no, today". After praying over him for protection and safety, we waited outside for Weining. Tyler was ready to go, no tears, no clinging. As he drove away, I felt nervous but at the same time a huge relief that we didn't have to load all three boys up and rush off to school. Ryan and I still had a whole hour before we had to leave to take him to preschool. I'm still amazed at how freeing it is to carpool. The drive to and from Valley Academy everyday was wearing me out. Now, it's not bad at all.
Ryan is 4!
Sweet little Ryan Jacob is four years old today! Last night I was reminiscing about that same time four years ago and how exciting it was rushing to the hospital in the middle of the night. Oh what an amazing joy it has been to be your mother Ryan! You are so talkative and delightful. I love how you can play happily with just about anything, just using your imagination. The other day you pretended like your markers were the Chipmunks and had a great time with all the characters.
Sunday Ryan had his birthday party at Brunswick Zone. They dimmed the lights and the kids all had glow in the dark necklaces. Of course they put gutter guards in for the little ones and it was so adorable to watch them all "bowl". The bowling balls were so big for them but they managed to get the balls down the lane and even managed to knock down some pins! His party was attended by Tyler, Ethan, Savannah, Micah, Carter and Landon.
Yesterday Ryan got to celebrate his birthday at his preschool and brought in m&m cookies to share and Ms. Dana had a birthday crown for him to decorate.
Today was his real birthday, not to be confused with his fake birthday (what the boys call the day when they have a party but it's not actually their birthday). He woke to the usual streamer decorations and a big number "4" on his door. We had chicken nuggets at McDonald's for lunch and brought home a huge balloon bouquet. Grandma came over to help celebrate his birthday dinner. Ryan selected steak, watermelon and a huge bowl of vanilla ice cream for this birthday dinner. Not bad taste for a four year old. Since Rob worked today, Ryan agreed to pizza and cake tonight and his steak dinner tomorrow. Sounds like a good birthday week to me.
Sunday Ryan had his birthday party at Brunswick Zone. They dimmed the lights and the kids all had glow in the dark necklaces. Of course they put gutter guards in for the little ones and it was so adorable to watch them all "bowl". The bowling balls were so big for them but they managed to get the balls down the lane and even managed to knock down some pins! His party was attended by Tyler, Ethan, Savannah, Micah, Carter and Landon.
Yesterday Ryan got to celebrate his birthday at his preschool and brought in m&m cookies to share and Ms. Dana had a birthday crown for him to decorate.
Today was his real birthday, not to be confused with his fake birthday (what the boys call the day when they have a party but it's not actually their birthday). He woke to the usual streamer decorations and a big number "4" on his door. We had chicken nuggets at McDonald's for lunch and brought home a huge balloon bouquet. Grandma came over to help celebrate his birthday dinner. Ryan selected steak, watermelon and a huge bowl of vanilla ice cream for this birthday dinner. Not bad taste for a four year old. Since Rob worked today, Ryan agreed to pizza and cake tonight and his steak dinner tomorrow. Sounds like a good birthday week to me.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Mom's 60th
Friday was my mom's 60th birthday. Rob and I had been trying to plan a dinner party with all her friends but she decided she would rather not have a big party and celebrate with just us instead. We went to Tutti Santi and had a wonderful time. It is such a beautiful restaurant with excellent food and great service. The boys got a little crazy but it was nice to celebrate together. Ethan loved the bread and couldn't get enough. Come to think of it, Ryan did too. He kept getting out of his chair and coming over the the bread basket to get another piece.
Saturday mom and I met Susan at Arcadia Farms for lunch. I love Arcadia Farms and love catching up with Susan so we all had a really nice time. Almost 3 hours later, we hugged goodbye and headed off to shop. Mom joined us for dinner again tonight too so we could continue celebrating.
Saturday mom and I met Susan at Arcadia Farms for lunch. I love Arcadia Farms and love catching up with Susan so we all had a really nice time. Almost 3 hours later, we hugged goodbye and headed off to shop. Mom joined us for dinner again tonight too so we could continue celebrating.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tyler's Swim Party
On Saturday we had Tyler's birthday party. This year we decided to scale back and have a small, mostly family, pool party at the community center. Friday night Desiree called to say her littlest ones had a bad case of pink eye and they were so sorry they wouldn't be able to make it...bummer. Tyler loves swimming with his cousins. Rob said Heath mentioned earlier in the week that his kids were coming down with something. When Rob called to see how they were feeling on Saturday morning...another bummer. Nathan and Haley were very sick and wouldn't be coming either. Tyler figured out who Rob was talking to on the phone and when he put two and two together, he started to cry. He really looks up to Nathan and was so excited to have him at his party.
The party still turned out to be a lot of fun for all! Andrew, Audrey, Harrison, Sydney and Graham all made it to help celebrate and they ended up swimming for hours. We had pizza and cake and ice cream and the grown-ups even enjoyed yummy margaritas poolside. It was so hot out it was crazy but after the sun went down it was awesome. Note to self: next time have a pool party in the evening.
The party still turned out to be a lot of fun for all! Andrew, Audrey, Harrison, Sydney and Graham all made it to help celebrate and they ended up swimming for hours. We had pizza and cake and ice cream and the grown-ups even enjoyed yummy margaritas poolside. It was so hot out it was crazy but after the sun went down it was awesome. Note to self: next time have a pool party in the evening.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Ryan is a Frog
Today was Ryan's first day of pre-school in Ms. Tina's frog class! He had a great time. Totally laid back, no drama, just left him playing with dominoes. He's so happy to be in a big kid class now. I was pleased to see a lot of his friends in his class. Sweet Savannah came up to give him a hug and welcome him. I had to pick him up early so I could make it to Tyler's school in time. Ryan wasn't ready to leave and told me he wished he could stay at school forever. :)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tyler Turns Six
Today was Tyler's sixth birthday. Yesterday after we got home from school he complained about a headache, had the chills and a fever. He got so delirious when I tried to give him Tylenol that I got worried and had Rob take him the urgent care. He turned out to be fine (thank goodness) but because of the fever we kept him home today. What a nice, unexpected treat to spend his birthday with him. We also kept Ryan home today from his first day of preschool because we thought he might have pink eye. Tyler and Ryan and even Ethan all played together like they did all summer.
Tyler scored with 2 Nerf guns, a Nerf dart game, basketball and portable basketball hoop. He was so excited. We finally decided it was time he could have a play gun. I know the boys are going to have a blast with them.
Tyler scored with 2 Nerf guns, a Nerf dart game, basketball and portable basketball hoop. He was so excited. We finally decided it was time he could have a play gun. I know the boys are going to have a blast with them.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tyler's First Day of Kindergarten
Today was Tyler's first day of kindergarten at Valley Academy. He looked so adorable in his uniform. I could tell he was really excited. When we arrived at the school, his excitement turned to a bit of anxiety. I thought parents would get to go in the classroom and help get our kids settled but they kept the doors closed until the first bell rang. Then Mrs. Christopher warmly greeted the children and asked them to form two lines. When she told them about what they would do once inside the classroom, it hit me that parents weren't going in at all. I quickly put Tyler's supplies in his backpack and kissed him goodbye. It was so quick. I hated not being able to linger in his class like I did in preschool but I understand why they do it. No tears, although I'm not sure how. Rob said he was really surprised.
When Ryan, Ethan and I got home I missed Tyler already. I could tell little Ryan missed his best buddy too but he made the best of it and played with cars and Magna tiles and complained when Ethan wrecked his ramps. Then we were off to MOMS group at Peter Piper. Ryan had fun playing and eating pizza. Before we knew it, it was time to pick up Tyler. Grandma came over to pick him up with us so she could see his classroom and hear about his day.
We enjoyed our first day of school ice cream tradition with milkshakes at Sonic, picnic in the minivan style. Tyler excitedly told us that he made two new friends - Ian and Connor. He said Ian was pretty crazy. Then very matter of fact Tyler said "Oh and I'm the smartest kid in my class. You know that Fellowship Preschool was a really good idea." Oh my precious little T-man, you are such a wonderful delight. I'm excited for all this new school year holds for you.
When Ryan, Ethan and I got home I missed Tyler already. I could tell little Ryan missed his best buddy too but he made the best of it and played with cars and Magna tiles and complained when Ethan wrecked his ramps. Then we were off to MOMS group at Peter Piper. Ryan had fun playing and eating pizza. Before we knew it, it was time to pick up Tyler. Grandma came over to pick him up with us so she could see his classroom and hear about his day.
We enjoyed our first day of school ice cream tradition with milkshakes at Sonic, picnic in the minivan style. Tyler excitedly told us that he made two new friends - Ian and Connor. He said Ian was pretty crazy. Then very matter of fact Tyler said "Oh and I'm the smartest kid in my class. You know that Fellowship Preschool was a really good idea." Oh my precious little T-man, you are such a wonderful delight. I'm excited for all this new school year holds for you.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Last Weekend of Summer Break
I can't believe tomorrow is Tyler's first day of Kindergarten! This summer has flown by. We ended summer break on a high note with a fun filled weekend. Friday started with meet the teacher at Valley Academy. Tyler's teacher is Mrs. Christopher and I think she will be a wonderful teacher for him. She seems very sweet, engaging and nurturing.
With school supplies to purchase, we headed to Target but little Ethan fell asleep on the way. So we went through the Jack in the Box drive thru and had our last summer picnic in the minivan while Ethan took a nap.
Then it was a back to school pool party at the Nystroms'. The boys had a blast going down the slide and jumping off the edge of the grotto. Even Ethan had fun in the pool.
Saturday we attended two birthday parties. One for sweet Shelby Katz and one for the boys' cousin Haley.
Today was promotion Sunday at church and Tyler started in the kindergarten class. He loved going to Kids' View Theater. He even earned $4 big city bucks. He was so excited he wanted to buy something right away but we suggested he hold on to his money to buy an even better prize later. We ended the day by having grandma come over for dinner and a back to school pizookie party...a new tradition at the Levin house.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Ethan Turns One!
One year ago today sweet baby Ethan was born. It was truly one of the happiest days of my life. I always say after giving birth, I wish I could capture that time and feeling and relive it often. The excitement, the anticipation and then finally the overwhelming joy of getting to meet the precious little miracle that has lived inside you for nine months. What a wonderful year it has been. I get so nostalgic when the boys have a birth day, especially when it's their first one. I keep remembering what I was doing at that exact time one year ago.
Ethan you are such a delightful boy and you bring so much joy to my life. You are playful, curious and silly. It's so fun to spend everyday with you. Your sweet smile warms my heart every time I see it and your beautiful blue eyes are full of wonder. You love to play ball, army crawl everywhere (incredibly fast), dance and play peek-a-boo. You love your big brothers Tyler and Ryan and get excited when you see them.
Today we celebrated your birthday by having your friends Harrison, Audrey, Andrew, Shelby and Savannah come over to play. Grandma came over too and got to watch you enjoy your birthday cupcake.
Thank you God for blessing Rob and I with three amazing sons. I am truly thankful for everyday I get to spend with them and so blessed that You have made it possible for me to stay home with them.
Ethan you are such a delightful boy and you bring so much joy to my life. You are playful, curious and silly. It's so fun to spend everyday with you. Your sweet smile warms my heart every time I see it and your beautiful blue eyes are full of wonder. You love to play ball, army crawl everywhere (incredibly fast), dance and play peek-a-boo. You love your big brothers Tyler and Ryan and get excited when you see them.
Today we celebrated your birthday by having your friends Harrison, Audrey, Andrew, Shelby and Savannah come over to play. Grandma came over too and got to watch you enjoy your birthday cupcake.
Thank you God for blessing Rob and I with three amazing sons. I am truly thankful for everyday I get to spend with them and so blessed that You have made it possible for me to stay home with them.
Friday, July 2, 2010
40 is the New 30

Rob threw a dinner party for my 40th ( feels strange saying that) birthday. We had a great time dining at Maggiano's with my mom and several good friends. Afterward I wanted to go dancing but some couples had to get home for sitters, Melissa and Ryan had a long drive and the rest of figured we should go somewhere close to home so we didn't have far to drive afterward. I know, I totally sound like the old 40 but life changes when you have little ones...and you're old. We went to Connolly's. No dancing, just a lemon drop shot for Rob and I from Chris.
Jesus Loves Me
Tonight at dinner we got on subject of the happiest days of my life. I recited April 3, August 17, September 10, July 29 and February 1987. Tyler asked what happened in February 1987 and Rob replied "that's when mommy asked Jesus into her heart". Tyler said "I asked Jesus into my heart too" and then we noticed Ryan was looking up and mouthing something we couldn't make out. I asked what he was doing and at first he was a little shy but finally he said he was asking Jesus into his heart too. I felt that Ryan was ready to do this back when Tyler did but we didn't want to rush him. I asked Ryan if he wanted daddy to help him say a prayer so he could ask Jesus to live in his heart forever and he said yes (while chewing a chicken nugget). When he finished his bite (almost anyway) he repeated after Rob the sinner's prayer. I could feel tears welling up around my eyes and the joy that filled my heart was enormous. Thank you God for loving us and for sending your Son Jesus to die for our sins! We are eternally grateful.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Play dates and neighbors
Today I attended the first meeting of my second mom's group. After searching for mom's groups a few years ago and coming up with nothing I guess I'm making up for lost time. Within a week I found and joined three mom's groups. I'm already feeling a little overwhelmed (albeit elated) at our FULL calendar. I know I'll probably need to drop one of them so I can better focus not become flakey. Oh and did I mention I agreed to be the secretary for the mom's group I attended today.
At dinner tonight I heard a knock on the door. Luckily I was the only one that heard it so I quietly answered it (without the barking dog and screaming boys) and found our sweet neighbors Adam and Ryan at the door. With baseball bats ready they asked if the boys could come out and play. These boys are two years older and our other neighbor Brandon is three years older but the boys all have so much fun playing ball together. This was a big deal for Tyler and Ryan to have the BIG, cool kids in the neighborhood invite them out to play. I don't think I've ever seen them finish their dinner so fast and be totally okay with skipping dessert. Rob is still out playing with them now as I write this.
Sweet little Ethan is down for the night. I am constantly amazed that he just won't sleep during the day. I know it's my fault for always being on the go and never establishing a nap schedule with him but it's just so hard to stay home all day when you have older ones. I love getting out of the house and having fun with the boys but sometimes it's just too much for Ethan (and the rest of us). Every night I realize I am completely worn out but in the same breath I also realize (to quote one of my favorite bands from the '90s) "These are the days". Thank you God for these days!
At dinner tonight I heard a knock on the door. Luckily I was the only one that heard it so I quietly answered it (without the barking dog and screaming boys) and found our sweet neighbors Adam and Ryan at the door. With baseball bats ready they asked if the boys could come out and play. These boys are two years older and our other neighbor Brandon is three years older but the boys all have so much fun playing ball together. This was a big deal for Tyler and Ryan to have the BIG, cool kids in the neighborhood invite them out to play. I don't think I've ever seen them finish their dinner so fast and be totally okay with skipping dessert. Rob is still out playing with them now as I write this.
Sweet little Ethan is down for the night. I am constantly amazed that he just won't sleep during the day. I know it's my fault for always being on the go and never establishing a nap schedule with him but it's just so hard to stay home all day when you have older ones. I love getting out of the house and having fun with the boys but sometimes it's just too much for Ethan (and the rest of us). Every night I realize I am completely worn out but in the same breath I also realize (to quote one of my favorite bands from the '90s) "These are the days". Thank you God for these days!
First Tooth = $5
Tyler lost his first tooth on Saturday! He was roughhousing with some friends that were over for dinner and came up to me after he realized his tooth got knocked/fell out. Following the trail of blood (not much really) I found his tiny tooth on the carpet. After the excitement wore off he started to cry saying he didn't want to lose his tooth. I explained that it was time for it to come out so his new tooth had room to come in. He seemed okay with it after I told him that God picked the time for his tooth to come out.
In the morning I heard him calling out my name. Sitting at the top of his ladder when I came in his room, he excitedly told me the tooth fairy left him five dollars! I know this could get expensive with three little ones losing teeth so we explained that losing your first tooth is a really big deal and that's probably why he got so much. Rob still remembers getting a quarter for his teeth and I remember getting a silver dollar for mine...whew inflation!
In the morning I heard him calling out my name. Sitting at the top of his ladder when I came in his room, he excitedly told me the tooth fairy left him five dollars! I know this could get expensive with three little ones losing teeth so we explained that losing your first tooth is a really big deal and that's probably why he got so much. Rob still remembers getting a quarter for his teeth and I remember getting a silver dollar for mine...whew inflation!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Charlotte's Web
Today was the first summer movie of the season. I took all 3 little Levins and they loved it! As I wheeled the stroller into a spot I looked to see Ethan's face lit up and very excited at the sight of Wilbur the pig. He was so happy...for a few minutes at least and then it was overstimulation and an overdue nap that made for some fussing. Ethan and I spent more time walking in the hallway than watching the movie but overall it was a great time. The big boys sat with their friends Sydney and Graham and Ms. Chris. Thank goodness for Ms. Chris!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Proud Mom
So I'm sitting at Tyler's game Tuesday night when I hear someone behind me say "the best catcher on the team is #11...Tyler". I must say I was so proud! Then as he was getting ready to bat during the game, one of the dad's said "this guy is a player." It's so fun watching Tyler play because he plays with all his heart and it's also fun to hear others comment on his talent. Of course I think he plays well, I'm his biggest fan but it appears Rob and I aren't his only fans.
Tyler also has a new nickname on the team. Not a new nickname to him but one that his coaches have recently learned. As Tyler was running to join his team to practice just prior to the game, I called him "T Money", a nickname he's had since he was a baby. One of his coaches overheard me and now all the coaches call him that too.
Tyler also has a new nickname on the team. Not a new nickname to him but one that his coaches have recently learned. As Tyler was running to join his team to practice just prior to the game, I called him "T Money", a nickname he's had since he was a baby. One of his coaches overheard me and now all the coaches call him that too.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Amazing Love
Tonight at dinner Rob and I were talking about getting baptized. Tyler said "I want to get baptized too". Rob said "that's great but there are a couple things you need to do before you get baptized". Of course Tyler asked what so I went on to explain that after you accept Jesus as your Savior you can be baptized. I know he understands Jesus died for our sins and he knows about baptism so I asked him if he's ever said a prayer asking Jesus to come into his heart. He said he hadn't but that he wanted to right then. So Rob led him in prayer as he confessed his sins, thanked Jesus for dying for his sins, asked Jesus to come and live in his heart and have the Holy Spirit fill him. WOW! So amazing and so wonderful that Tyler understands this and LOVES JESUS so much! The "thing" I want most for my sons is that they know and love Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him all their days. I am so grateful that the Lord has given our boys the opportunity to know and love Him. I pray that all our sons will make this same decision and will be great witnesses for the Lord.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
We love T-ball
I love watching the boys play t-ball! This winter was Ryan's first time playing t-ball. I was excited that I found a t-ball league for 3 and 4 year olds. Ryan received a medal after their last game of the season and he was so happy...he kissed it. It was precious.
Tyler played t-ball on a team for the first time in the fall and Rob was one of the assistant coaches. I think Rob enjoyed it as much as Tyler. This season Rob is enjoying the game from the bleachers but I'm sure he plans to be back on the field helping coach again soon. It is so fun to watch Tyler play. You can see how excited he is about the game by the energy he has on the field. The other day Tyler was chatting with his grandma and he told her very matter-of-factly that he thought he would probably play professional baseball when he got older. Oh if it were only that easy. Ethan is a great sport sitting on the sidelines watching his big brothers play ball. I hope he likes the game as much as Tyler and Ryan when he gets older.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
My maiden voyage

Better late than never, although I wish I weren't starting this so late. Who knew blogging was so easy and fun? I'm happy I have a way to capture our daily adventures and share my thoughts. Being a mom is the best and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family.
Today we met friends at the park in Anthem for a play date and picnic. The boys had a great time and Ethan even got to go on his first train ride. I forgot my camera to capture it but Heidi was nice enough to send me these cute pics of the big boys.
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